Sasayuri Health Clinic


skin cell replenishment therapy

Collection of personal information

You can use the regular content on this website without revealing any personal information. However, when making inquiries, we may ask you to disclose information such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address as necessary. *Please be aware that there is a possibility that e-mails may be intercepted by a malicious third party during transmission.

Use and management of personal information

Collected personal information will be used within the scope of the purpose of collection that has been clarified in advance, and will not be used or provided for any other purpose unless the consent of the user is obtained.

privacy policy

Our clinic strives every day to provide reliable medical care and to improve treatment effects and provide high-quality medical care to our patients. We believe that it is extremely important to appropriately protect and manage "patient's personal information." To this end, our clinic has established the following personal information protection policy and strives to ensure its implementation.

1.About collection of personal information

When our clinic collects personal information from patients, we do so within the scope of medical treatment, nursing care, and the patient's medical care. If personal information is to be used for other purposes, we will notify you of the purpose of use in advance and obtain your consent. We will do the same if personal information is required on the website.

2.Use and provision of personal information

Our clinic will not use patients' personal information beyond the original purpose of use, except in the following cases.・When the patient's consent is obtained ・When the information is processed (*1) so that it cannot be used to identify or identify an individual ・When the provision is required by law, etc. Our clinic will not provide personal information except in cases stipulated by law. We will not provide this information to third parties (*2) without the patient's permission.

3.About proper management of personal information

Our clinic strives to keep patients' personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent leakage, loss, destruction, falsification, or unauthorized access to patients' personal information. .

4. Contact point for inquiries

If you have any questions regarding our clinic's personal information protection policy or inquiries about patients' personal information, please use the contact information below.

Patient consultation desk

Phone number 072-458-7200

Reception hours 9:00~12:00 15:00~19:00 19:30~22:00

5. Improving legal compliance and personal information protection mechanisms

Our clinic complies with Japanese laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and other norms, and reviews each of the above items as appropriate to continuously improve the system for protecting personal information. 
Sasayuri Health Clinic


*1 Processing does not mean anonymizing information by simply erasing information such as an individual's name, but rather making it impossible to identify the subject of the information no matter what methods are used. . 

*2 A third party refers to an organization or individual other than the information subject and the recipient (business operator) that does not fall under the original purpose of use or for which the information subject has not obtained consent to use the personal information. .

*This policy applies not only to patients, but also to our clinic staff and all personal information related to our clinic.

Personal information protection system

At our clinic, we use patients' personal information for the purposes listed below, and we take every precaution in handling it. If you have any questions, please contact the patient consultation desk listed above. The purpose of use of patients' personal information at our clinic is

[Use within the hospital] 

1. Medical services provided to patients
2. Medical insurance administration

3. Accounting/accounting

4. Reporting of medical accidents, etc.

5. The patient concerned Improving medical services to patients
6. In-hospital case research aimed at improving the quality of medical care

7. Other administrative operations related to patients
 [In-hospital use]

Collaboration with other hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.

1 .Responses to inquiries from other medical institutions, etc.

2. Requesting the opinions and advice of external doctors, etc. for patient treatment, etc.

3. Outsourcing of laboratory testing services, etc.

4. Informing family members of medical conditions, etc. Explanation

5. Outsourcing of insurance administration

6. Providing receipts to examination and payment organizations

7. Responding to inquiries from examination and payment organizations or insurers

8. Specialized medical organizations and insurance companies related to physician liability insurance, etc.
9. Other uses related to medical insurance administration for patients

[Other uses]

1. Basic materials
 for maintaining and improving medical services and operations

2. Providing information to external auditing organizations 
* Above If there are any matters for which you have difficulty agreeing to the provision of information to other medical institutions, etc., please notify the reception desk to that effect.

*If we do not receive your request, we will assume that you have given us your consent. 
*These offers can be withdrawn or changed at any time later.