24h WEB reservation



Contact us

Fill in the form below and press "confirm" button

E-mail address※Must
Phone number (half-width)※Must
Male Female
Contents / opnions

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To those who can't receive the automatic reply mail:

※ Wrong e-mail address
Your e-mail address filled in could be wrong. Confirm your own e-mail address and send again or call us.
※ Your mail filtering function classifies ours as spam one
It is possible that ours has been classified as spam one by the filtering function of Yahoo! mail, Yahoo BB, Google (gmail), Ocn or Nifty; see "spam mail" folder or "deleted" folder or other. Change the setup to be able to receive e-mails with ".com" domain.
(※Note that by your mail setup, your assorted mails can be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.)
※ Using the refusing receivement of e-mails funtion on cell e-mails
If you are using the refusing receivement of emails funtion on cell e-mails or other, change the setup to be able to receive e-mails with ".com" domain.
※ Classified as spam mail by a security software
If you are using a security software, it may be judging our automatic reply mail as spam one to assort it into "spam" folder; depending on the kind or setup of security softwares, one might refuse to receive or delete. Confirm the setup of the security software you are using.
※ When the capacity of the mail server is full
When the capacity of mail server is full, you can't receive e-mails anymore.
Secure needed capacity by deleting unnecessary e-mails or other means.
(For details, contact the provider or free-mail business from whom you obtained your e-mail adress.)